Thursday, September 1, 2011

WOW........the end of Ramadan If you are an American you probably have no clue to what this means I had no clue. But It is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and the month in which the Qur'an was revealed. Ramadan is the holiest of months in the Islamic calendar, and fasting in this month is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The month is spent by Muslims fasting during the daylight hours from dawn to sunset. Fasting during this month is often thought figuratively to burn away all sins. Today the first day of the next month, Shawwal, is spent in celebrations and is observed as the "Festival of Breaking Fast" or `Eid ul-Fitr.

Now that you have that explanation let me say a few words. This religious holiday for the entire month is a mandatory deal for everyone Muslim or non-Muslim. I have never lived in a country that can make everyone do this it is so foreign to me. The atheist and non believers would never accept such a thing in America......What happens during the day from about 4:30am until 7:00pm Muslims fast ..... no water (drinking), no food, no smoking (and everybody smokes here) nothing. I was incredibly impressed by their discipline during the whole month. Now that means if you are not a Muslim and are still eating drinking etc. you must do this behind closed doors. No public eating, drinking, smoking, etc. they will give you a warning but if you do not stop they will arrest you. Most if not all the restaurants are closed evening the food courts in the malls. If they are open it is take out only. I went to Subway they were the only place open but they had this huge screen wall in front of the line .... go behind get your food then back to the office are bathroom stall locked to eat. The bars, clubs, hotels did not open until 7:00.....NO MUSIC it was so weird for the whole month. It is a religious cultural took a while to get use too it but when in Rome do as the roman's do.
Anyway now it is `Eid ul-Fitr and everything is back to normal..........

Ohhh yea first day of working out did 1 hour of light weights, walking in place, kicking moving and a grooving on the patio in 103 degree was hard but I plan on doing this for 3 months be a LEAN MEAN MACHINE by December when i return for Christmas.

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